【送料無料・99.99%金】 ゴールドマスク(エンドレス24K) 2枚 【1枚両面で60回利用可能】smtg0401 【RCP】【10P17Apr01】

【送料無料・99.99%金】 ゴールドマスク(エンドレス24K) 2枚 【1枚両面で60回利用可能】smtg0401 【RCP】【10P17Apr01】

  商品の特徴 サロン気分をホームケアで体感!! 美への階段を上がりませんか!? 品質重視!純度99.99%! フェイス全体に利用!両面で60回利用可能!     ご使用方法 The basic function of the 24k gold mask lifts and firms your skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and brighten the skin. Facial Mask Functions: ?Eliminate free radicals and improve the healthy skin gene. ?Promote blood circulation, metabolism, and activating the cells. ?Avoid blockage of the pores by lifting the dirt from the deep layer of the dead keratin to the surface. ?Resist the damage skin cells to reach the anti-aging effect. ?Improve the condition of skin allergy and increase the skin resistance. How To Use: 1. Cleanse and thoroughly dry your face. 2. Steam face using a facial steamer or with warm, moist towels.Steam mildly 1 to 5 minutes. 3. Apply serum or skin lotion using upward, circular motion to your face. Do not rinse off. 4. Apply the 24k gold facial mask for 5or 10minutes, smooth the mask gently to ensure good contact with the skin. 5. Massage in the 24k gold facial mask using upward, circular motion to your face until absorbed completely.     商品情報   【セット内容】 2枚 【成分】99.99% 24K GOLD  品質重視!純度99.99%! 1枚両面で60回利用可能 The basic function of the 24k gold mask lifts and firms your skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and brighten the skin.

  • 商品価格:25,000円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0(5点満点)
  • ショップ  :エステマート


